G7 Expert
  • Register for, and attend G7 Training
  • Successfully pass online exam with a minimum of 90% proficiency.
  • Re-certification requires successful completion of the online re-certification exam and maintain $300 certification fee every 2 years within 90 days of certification expiration

G7 Professional
  • Register for, and attend G7 Training
  • Successfully pass online exam with a minimum of 80% proficiency.
  • Re-certification requires successful completion of the online recertification exam every 2 years within 90 days of certification expiration

Certification Exam

The certification exam is conducted online. Two attempts will be given to pass exam. Additional exam re-takes are available for a fee.

Certification is issued upon successful completion of exam and payment of certification fees. Certification includes a certificate and certification badge to display your status, along with inclusion in the global G7 directory of certified G7 Experts & Professional as well as qualified G7 Master Facilities.