G7 Process Control & Implementation Certification & Training certifies leaders who serve the print & packaging supply chain as globally recognized, and licensed color management, process control, print & packaging production experts for the printing, packaging, and graphic communications supply chain. These G7 Process Control Experts align the global printing, packaging and graphic communications supply chains by building process control driven workflows, processes, and cultures throughout print suppliers, brands, print buyers creatives, OEMs & print technology developers.

Certification & Training focuses on G7 in a process control driven environment, ISO standards, and ICC profiling directly through live hands-on instruction and guidance for calibration of all print technology featuring the latest print engines & print technology, tools, and solutions.
Following training, individuals must complete a proficiency exam demonstrating their in-depth knowledge for certification. G7 Process Control Experts must hold G7 Expert Certification status. Certification is good for two-years, and re-certification must be completed to maintain certification.

G7®: One file, One separation, One calibration, One aim point
Print Anywhere™

About the course:

The G7 Process Control Expert training addresses the challenges of managing color across devices and workflows, defining how to integrate and maintain proven industry best practices and standards. The G7 Process Control course is workflow training from the creative process through print output, and is developed by the industry’s leading workflow experts to best align the print supply chain.

Download the G7 Process Control & Implementation Program Overview here. 

Certification Information

  • G7 Process Control Experts are licensed to perform G7 Process Control Master Facility certifications. 
  • G7 Process Control Experts, must also attend G7 Expert Certification and maintain status as an Idealliance G7 Expert.
  • G7 Process Control Experts must complete the exam with a 90% proficiency. 
  • Certificates are automatically generated and distributed via email upon successful completion of the course.
  • Upon successful completion you will be certified for 2 years.
  • To maintain certification you must successfully complete a re-certification training every two (2) years.
Included Integrated Online Training & Certification

The Process Control Expert Certification Program utilizes state-of-the-art eLearning technology and In-depth personal training methods to ensure a rich and deeply relevant and robust educational experience to further support G7 Process Control Expert development and knowledgebase :

  • Offers 9.5 hours of education in 27 online lessons
  • State-of-the-art online training with searchable table of contents
  • Enabled for iPad and mobile support, so you can take training with you
  • Includes 600+ page reference document with hundreds of support materials, articles, and SOP templates


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For details on G7 Process Control & Implementation Certification & Training, or to schedule a private training event, contact Jordan Gorski, Vice President of Global Certification Programs at jgorski@idealliance.org.