PQX Expert Certification & Training
PQX Expert Certification & Training
Welcome to PQX® Expert certification! Developed by industry experts, this training will help you effectively implement and manage PQX-based, according to ISO 20616-2-2:2020, reporting and communication for complete supply chain and production alignment. Upon successful completion of training and the certification exam, certification is good for two years. PQX Experts are also displayed within the online PQX Expert Certification directory, found only at www.idealliance.org

Your registration includes optional access to PQX Report Writer, a plugin for MS Word that will allow you to view sample PQX print quality reports, prepare your own print quality reports, and generate PQX reports in both a PDF and XML format. This software is available to each participant throughout the training period. (Please note that MS Office for Apple Mac is not currently supported.)

Register online at www.ilearningplus.org.
Discounted Member Price: 419.00
You could save: 19.3%

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