IT8.7/5 (TC1617) Characterization Chart LAD
IT8.7/5 (TC1617)  Characterization Chart LAD
This is the Large Aperture Device (LAD) version of the IT8.7/5. The IT8.7/5 (TC1617x) is a new CMYK printer characterization target combining the unique patch values in the standard IT8.7/4 target with all the patch values in columns 4 and 5 of the P2P51 target. The TC1617x maintains the same patch count as the IT8.7/4 (1,617 – hence the name) by removing 29 duplicate patches from the IT8.7/4 and replacing them with the 29 patches in columns 4 and 5 of the P2P51 that were absent in the IT8.7/4.