G7 Certifications

G7® is Idealliance’s industry-leading set of specifications for achieving gray balance and is the driving force for achieving visual similarity across all print processes. G7 is a specification and is listed as a Technical Report (TR) 015 in ANSI/CGATS. Download the G7 TR015 Specification.

 Explore the G7 site for additional information.

  • A method where all print has a similar appearance
  • Used to consistently hit clients’ color targets
  • Designed to align all devices, substrates, and inks
  • An ANSI/CGATS specification for targeting gray balance

G7 Certification Options:

G7 Experts are certified in the field of color management, process and quality control for proofing and printing equipment. A G7 Expert is able to analyze color and print related issues and take corrective action to bring systems and processes in control to a set method, standard or specification with repeatable predictable results. 

G7 Experts qualify print equipment and facilities as G7 Masters. Certified G7 Experts are required to be onsite to conduct and review calibration data to qualify a print facility for the first time. Certification is valid for 2 years.

G7 Professionals are certified in the G7 methodology for proofing and printing equipment in-house. Certification is valid for 2 years.

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