Instrument Inspector

The Instrument Inspector is a physical target used to validate how your spectrophotometer device measures color and verify its stability over time.

When you purchase an Instrument Inspector target, you receive access to the Online Control Center, secured account at, where you’ll find access to a wealth of industry comparison data, plus access to your target’s online home. 

There are three versions of Instrument Inspector targets to match most every measurement device. Click here for full details.

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How does it works?

  • Use the Instrument Inspector to capture reference data off the physical target and establishing a baseline for how your instrument measures color.

  • Upload the baseline data to your secured, Online Control Center at, to be used as a reference point for all future analysis.

  • Regularly check the accuracy of your instrument by remeasuring the target and comparing against your stored baseline data.

  • Compare multiple instruments to one another to determine that all your instruments (in your shop and supply chain) are measuring color within your accepted level of color tolerance.

  • If the Instrument Inspector target data trends out of the manufacturer’s specified tolerances, you have lost critical confidence to produce a consistent, stable printed product and…you must take corrective action!