Observer Metamerism in Soft Proofing White Paper
Observer Metamerism in Soft Proofing White Paper
Observer Metamerism in Soft Proofing White Paper - Color Challenges with Wide Gamut Displays

Idealliance and the Print Properties Committee announce the release of a detailed white paper concerning the evaluation of Observer Metamerism in Soft Proofing. The information this project provides is a result of extensive research to find the causes behind metamerism when viewing color not only on different monitors, but addresses observer metamerism, which is when two people see color differently on a single monitor.

This research is meant to not only create awareness of Observer Metamerism, but to give options on what to look for, and recognize ways to find solutions. In the complex world of different monitor manufacturers, different viewing areas and surrounds, as well as people’s perception of color, this research provides awareness and possible solutions that will be of great benefit to the printing industry as a whole